Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Having Exactly What We Want

I'm working on a number of articles right now, but I'm also reading a lot of material on living a life of abundance and joy. I'm currently reading from "The Vortex" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and this page really seems to sum up what I'd like to say today:

'Since everyone wants to feel good, but there are so many things that others are doing that, as you observe them, do not feel good, it is easy to understand how you would come to the conclusion that your path to feeling good is through influencing or controlling the behavior of others. But as you attempt to control them (through influence or coercion), you discover that not only can you not contain them - but your attention to them brings more like them into your experience.

Your current society is waging a war against illegal drugs, a war against poverty, a war against crime, a war against teenage pregnancy, a war against cancer, a war against AIDS, a war against terrorism [a war against hate]... and all of them are getting bigger. You simply cannot get to where you want to be by controlling or eliminating the unwanted.

And who among you gets to decide which way of living is the "right" one, anyway? Is the largest group the one that holds that "knowledge," or is the group with the greatest capacity to kill the other groups the one who is "right"? Do poor people have the answer? Do rich people hold the key? Which religion is the "right" religion? Which way of life is the "right" one? Is it right to have children? How many is the correct number? And if a woman has children, is it appropriate for her to think of other things? Can she have a career, or is she now obligated to think of nothing other than her children? How should a man treat his wife? How many wives should he have?

The flawed premise "My group's/our way is the only correct way, therefore all other ways must be stopped, because when I look at what I do not agree with, I feel bad" is the basis of the majority of unhappiness on your planet.

Not only do those being pushed against feel the pain, but those doing the pushing feel it as well. In fact, the unhappiest, least fulfilled among you are those who are pushing against others, because, in doing so, you are disallowing the most important relationship of all; the relationship between you and You."

We are bringing to us all that we have in our lives and by pushing against the things/people/organizations, etc. that we don't want in our lives we're just screaming 'GIVE ME MORE, GIVE ME MORE, GIVE ME MORE' of what we do not want.

To get what you DO want...put your energy, thoughts and feelings to what you want more of in your life. Let go of what you do not want, your thoughts and energy are better placed on good feeling things. Let others deal with their own negative manifestations into their reality, don't make their pain your own, you deserve so much better.

Something to meditate on tonight...

Brightest Blessings!
the Witchy Writer ☽◯☾

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